I was visiting Kelly's BLOG and I saw a link to Shabby Princess. I decided to see what it was about and clicked the link. WELL let me explain that I have made so many dragonflies and spiders that I think I need to dial it back a bit and wait to see what sells and if it sells so I need to fill the void with something new. (Apparently reading, cross stitching, three children, a husband, two dogs, and a house aren't enough) OK, let me stand up for myself and say that I get bored with doing the same thing for too long and need to mix it up. That coupled with the fact that the kids have their own friends and things to do that keep them busy and Michael has his computers, cars, and his other stuff means that I have to entertain myself. Good thing Mommy taught me how :)

Anyway, I saw all the free digital scrap booking stuff and thought I might give it a go. First let me say thank to the Shabby Princess because I think it will be a great thing to create this for compilation into a book for my mother as a Christmas present. Secon

d, those of you who know me know that I am NOT AT ALL into scrap booking. This however is a good thing for me because I LOVE my computer and the fact I can create things with it. OH MY! Something new for me to obsess over! I need that like I need a hole in the head :) Geeze do I have an obsessive and additive personality. So I am attaching some of the pages I created yesterday in order to try the new addiction. Again if you know me you know that "trying" means I was up until 4:30AM in a digital scrap booking zone. Hope you like them.
Jon let me use our computer for about 10 minutes so I have to check everyones blog and leave comments:) I LOVE the pages! Good job mom! And you'll get even better if I know you!
Get busy then :) Thanks! I am glad you like them. I guess it tells a lot about the colors I like huh?
I am SO excited to have hooked another junkie.. I MEAN inspired another digi scrapper! :)
I KNOW what you mean about "trying" way too late into the night. The latest for me was 3am. I had to sleep because I do have that whole day job thing...
There are several forums to post your layouts and get critiques, if you ask. My pages are at www.digitalscrapbookmemories.com. There are plenty out there to choose from.
I know exactly what you are talking about. I do the late night thing during the school year too. The problem is that then I have to get up in the morning and deal with a room full of children until 3pm. Of course then I have to parent at home. I do that for about 3 days and crash the fourth. It's NOT good. I am too old to do that now.
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