Well, I spent a few hours in the flower garden yesterday. My legs are sore from squatting so much. I did go to the buildings that they are tearing up to get stuff, but traded Cindy D for her Hastas because I get partial sun (which they need) and she gets full sun. They are pretty, but now that area is missing some stuff in the front. I will see what I can do. I was also weeding the flower area and digging down to put bricks. You know the border kind that you can't just put on the edge. My across the street neighbor's house still makes ours look like the ghetto though. I have attached some pictures to this post. It definitely still needs work but I do the best I can. I am in the process of deciding what I want to plant in the empty spots, but I know I have to think of something. I can't have the other building showing us up. I want some more red, pink and purple flowers. I want lots of pretty colors. 

Oh! speaking of lot of pretty colors, I am ordering some wire, glass beads, and the pliers necessary to make the dragonflies like my Aunt does. Right now I have 15 hanging in my window along with some sun catchers she made me. I am hoping to be able to sell the dragonflies either on ETSY or at the Patch Multi craft Center. If not...I guess I'll have a lot on my windows. They are fun to make and the finished product is rewarding. My Aunt Ann sells them for $5.00 a piece to include the little suction cups so that they can be hung in the window. I love them personally and they make me feel happy. Maybe I am easily pleased. I am attaching pictures of them so that people who visit the BLOG can see them and let me know what they think. I know my JennyP likes them and even has some of her own. I encouraged my Aunt to sell them online, but I don't know if I was taken seriously. I made several of the ones that are in my house, so I know how to do it. I think it would be fun to try my hand at it. There are more, but I think there are enough posted.
Finally, Cooper has now been neutered and we can pick him up in a half hour. The receptionist told me that he did very well. Poor little guy. Now he will have a real reason to be scared of the VET. I think that I would be too. :) If he ends up needing a little cone or something I will post a picture of that too. UPDATE: Cooper is home safe and sound. He is sore but has used the bathroom and our biggest problem so far is that we have to keep him from playing with Buddy and visa v
erse for around ten days. No cone unless he won't stop licking the sutures. I am glad that he made it through OK though.
I love your flowers! I like to garden, but wind up killing more than what lives! Luckily this house was already landscaped when we bought it. The dragonflys are really cool. Put them on etsy so I can buy some for the baby's room.
I am the same way with inside plants. I am not sure why that is, but I kill inside plants by looking at them. I am glad you think I should make the dragonflys. I want to and I was in the process of purchasing materials online when this comment came through. I will let you know when they are up. Thanks for the positive input.
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