I have decided to create some season specific dragonflies for Fourth of July. It would not be something that I might choose, but lots of people like red, white, and blue things. I am selling ten of them in my etsy store, and will bring some into the store. I will also have some at the arts and crafts show. My friend LeAnn gave me the idea and then I felt silly not having thought of it. Such a simple idea :) I hope they sell OK but if not oh well! I tried!

Also, here are some pictures of my sweet mommy. She

is taking a MUCH needed break from the hospital with Caden or the Ronald MacDonald house with Cameron to take a stroll on the beach. Good for you mommy! You have to take care of yourself too. Perhaps you should make it a daily ritual until you leave. You were right though...the pictures turned out really well. I think I can see the stress washing out with waves. For the moment anyway.
I love love love the red white and blue one! I think moslty because it's a new design. It's not my thing either but it's so darn cute!
Thanks! I still have like eight more to make. I am thinking about doing a few red, white, and blue spiders too. Let me know what you think.
had to add this cause I forgot to check the follow-up comments box
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