I'm here at the hospital with Caden for the beginning of round 5. He was admitted yesterday afternoon and has received 2 doses of chemo so far. It amazes me how calm he is about coming back into the hospital for treatment. However, this round is different as they aren't keeping him hooked to an IV the whole time, only when he gets the chemo. All the other meds are being given orally so he is "free" most of the time. Because his counts are up (ANC 2210) and because he was free, he was able to go with us to the cafeteria last night for dinner. After dinner he thought we were going back to the RMH and was disappointed he had to come back to the room.
Our friend Tom was with us which helped because he interacts well with Caden. In fact they had a pillow fight which got Caden jumping from his bed to a chair, then to my bed while I was trying to make it! So I was "grumpy" and Tom was fun! They did have fun. It's always good to hear Caden laugh and Tom is very good at making both of the boys laugh! They played until he was tired; actually I think they were both tired, when Tom said it was time for them to leave. The shocker was that Caden gave both Tom and Sandy hugs goodnight (not fair since I have to beg for my hugs!) and settled right down for an early night. His temp has been good so far, it is a little elevated (99.7) but not to a point where they consider it a fever. He ate good before and during his first dose of chemo but hasn't wanted anything since. Since he's not receiving any IV fluids we have to make sure he drinks lots of liquids. He was doing good but the nausea hit early this morning (4 AM) and he is afraid to drink. We are still working on his anti-nausea meds.
He will receive 2 more doses of IV chemo this stay, getting the last dose Monday at 2 AM. Then somewhere between 8 AM and 4 PM he will receive a shot of chemo in his leg and will be sent back to the RMH for a week. He will receive the last of his chemo, a repeat of this weekend, next week. The shot is a long lasting drug and it could take up to 3 days for any allergic reactions to show up. If he has a reaction we are to bring him to the ER for a shot of Benedryl. The doctor told me if he complains of anything out of the ordinary to bring him in, don't wait. We will be watching him closely! Of course if he spikes a fever he will not be leaving the hospital at all until treatment is completed and his counts are back up! Schelly is in isolation at the RMH because she has a bad cold again. Thank God Ann is here to help us! At least I won't have to run back and forth to prepare meals and get Cameron. I will check with the doctors to make sure that if Caden is discharged on Monday he can be around Schelly.
Prayers are always needed. Specific prayer for good health for all of us who are here taking care of Caden, no fevers, no more throwing up, Cadens cooperation in taking his oral meds and a good appetite. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. Cindy
PS: I've attched a picture of him sleeping so you can see his new hair, eyebrows and eyelashes. I had to capture it while he was sleeping because when he is up he is in perpetual motion! :-)"
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