Well, my sister sent out this update and I thought

I would share that along with the pictures she sent. Please note that although Caden's hair grew back between the last and most recent round of chemo, it will most likely fall out again. The good news is that now that we know it will grow back we are happy. Sometimes it doesn't. We are blessed. Please note that although there are many reasons why he shouldn't, Caden still often has a smile on his face. Granted it is not always and there have been times when I have been on the phone that he has been pitching a fit or being Polly Pissy Pants, BUT he is entitled I think. I wish I could smile more. I think I will try it. Below is the email from my sister:
"So, Caden is officially done with his chemo!!!!!!! Praise GOD! Now we wait...we wait for him to get sick....we wait for him to get better...we wait for his counts to recover enough to be discharged....and then we wait for the
m to recover even more so he can have the central line removed from his chest. We are so close to being done. This last stretch is so agonizing. The drs have informed us that he will get sick with something. They have said it is next to impossible to not get something because he will be without an immune system for so long. Wouldn't you know it...they were right. He spiked a fever today. So his blood has been sent for cultures and again...we will wait to see if anything grows. Not really much else to report except the weather here has been awesome and I have been trying to spend as much time outside with Cameron as I can. His favorite activity lately has been going to the beach to find crabs and other creatures at low tide! He is attending a really neat day camp with the Hutch School and is having a blast. Too bad Caden can't go outside and enjoy the beautiful weather. We are stuck inside. He can't even leave the ward because his counts are too low. Oh, well, fortunately this is not permanent and hopefully he will be out soon enough to enjoy a little bit of summer! Oh, and check out cadens new hair, eyebrows and eyelashes in the last pic!!! He is so excited over it!"
Honestly I didn't have much to write about today so I am glad that my sister sent this out. Now I can keep up with the blogging everyday goal.
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