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Monday, July 7, 2008

Good Day To Go To Town

Well, we picked a really neat day to go down town. The odd thing is that I brought my camera, which I haven't done in years. That meant I got to take pictures when I might not have otherwise. There were many of the large bear sculptures from different countries around the world. Some of them were creepy, some of them were cool. They were called "Tolerance Bears" and you can buy VERY small versions of them for 20 euro. Steep price for a small ceramic bear, BUT it's the idea that makes them cool. The paintings on them are supposed to represent their country of origin. They really were neat, and Lianne and I felt it necessary to be silly. It's OK though...many people were so we weren't the only ones.
We went shopping through a few stores, but H&M isn't near as cheap when you consider the exchange rate so you know I wasn't too excited. We did buy our kids something small at Nanu Nana, I also got big Michael a HUGE coffee mug and JennyP a little something I know she will like. Finally, we had really bland Chinese food that would have been good if it had flavor. I guess I won't eat there again. It was 20 euro for both of our food and drinks, but when it doesn't taste all that great...I would have been happier getting a tomato, mozzarella, and cucumber sandwich at the bakery and an iced coffee from Starbucks. Oh well, live and learn.

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