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Saturday, July 12, 2008

Just A Saturday

We spent the day doing a whole lot of nothing. Big Michael had to work, and the kids played outside--getting mad every time it started to rain and I made them come in the house. I spent the day watching a movie, beading, and dead-heading some flowers in the garden. Not too exciting, but hey...this is my life. I was walking the dogs and ran into some friends. I made a comment about how we should schedule a BBQ or gathering of some sort and "POOF" we were doing it tonight. As many of you know, this may have caused me anxiety on a normal day, but I was actually OK with it because I was having a down day and needed something to take my mind off of it.

They came over around 6:30pm bringing with them chips, dip, cheese squares, grapes, chicken, shrimp salad, a Russian dish that I don't know what it is called, some wine for the women and liqueur for the men. I provided juice boxes, plates, wine, baked mac and cheese, and a tomato/feta, olive/basil dish. Peoples' food was very well received. A couple of neighbors came as well. All in all it ended up a really good day. It could only have been better if Big Michael could have been home instead of working.

I have pictures from tonight, BUT I don't have their permission to put their pics up on the Internet so I don't want to do it yet. I will ask though since it was so much fun watching all those brown children running all crazy (interestingly enough, all of us are mixed couples). So, I will post a different picture from whatever I find in this months folder on my computer. I don't know why, but the posts always look so naked to me when they don't have pictures. I have decided on one of Little Michael running. The premise of this picture is that everyone was playing kickball today...yes the adults were playing too. We were all a big bunch of kids.

There was also a point where the boys (adult boys too) decided to race because no one can beat Sierra and see if they could finally do it. I give you two guesses as to the outcome of the race. MAN CAN THAT GIRL RUN!!! It is a God given talent to which I can't relate because i hate to run. Well she amazes me much like Madison's musical ability, and Micheal's ability to morph into Eeyore at a moment's notice...I am sure there is more than that with him, but honestly the "woe is me" is pervasive in his live. This is due, for the most part, to being a teenager. Poor kid...he "never get what he wants!" Honestly, I am surprised he didn't choke on that one.

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