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Friday, June 13, 2008

New to the Blogging World

Well, thanks a lot JennyP, you have created a monster. I am going to try and do this blogging thing. Mainly because I think that when I have my own class, it will make a wonder "teacher's website" for my class. Who knows though...I may just create a new one. I am attaching pictures to this one that I have not sent via email to this post because I don't think I want to add a slideshow to the whole thing. Some of the pictures are from the last day of school this year and the awards the girls received. I will send a link to the blog to my family too I think as I think it is an easy way to help people see what is going on in our little family.
I also have an answer for the "what makes me special" comment in the about me section...wait for it...What can I say about me that makes me special...Well as JennyP (my bff) knows, I am stinking CUTE and so S M all. Laugh Jen, you know I'm funny. Seriously though. I am glad for the summer time and glad that I am staying in Germany even though I will miss seeing family. I wish they could all afford to come here. I hope to visit the pools with JennyP, Emily, and little baby Ava. After I upload about three more pictures. It's off to bed for me. I am tired and having a difficult time keeping my eyes open.

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