Well, I really was tired last night. I fell asleep in the middle of uploading photos and I am SO humiliated by the typos in last night's post. Well, I guess I am human and make mistakes after all...who knew. I will attach more now because I didn't add any of Sierra or big Michael...or as my mom calls him, big daddy. I am also going to attach a little video of Maddy singing because it is so cute. I will

try and be a better mom and wife from now on and remember to take more pictures. I have slacked off this year for whatever reason...maybe I am just lazy. The talent show video is of Maddy singing a song at the last minute when someone dropped out. How very brave for my little sensitive thing. Lucky for her, everyone said she did a wonderful job. She even got an end of school award for the entertaining others with her "beautiful singing voice." (Having a bit of hard time with the videos...still working on getting those up. I also want a real-time clock.
Help me JennyP)
I am also attaching a video of the girls singing in the house this morning :) My oh my they are entertainment in a sometimes crappy world. Michael sings too...and dances all the time but is far too cool to let me record it. After all, "I'm 14 mom--not 9 and 6 like the girls." Geeze, when did he get so big and so crabby? I do however have a video of him performing in the Drama production for school. Cute and funny...man those girls don't know what they are missing. I may be biased though.
I still love him. One last attachment of the doggies who I may have to take out (honestly make the kids take out), who chew things they aren't supposed to, but are never too old or too cool to let me hold them on my lap. Ahhh, unconditional love of a pet. Everyone should love like dogs do--and I am not talking about the humping the leg thing. 
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