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Sunday, June 22, 2008

Caden Update from Schelly

"Things are going pretty well. Caden is inpatient and well into round 5. Yahooo!!!! We are almost done. It seems like it has been an eternity, but only about two months to go. I thought we would be home sooner, but I was wrong. He had his first week of chemo last sat, sun and mon. He started his second week today. He gets chemo every 12 hours for Sat and Sun. On Monday he will get one last shot of chemo into his thigh muscle. Then he is done with chemo. Hopefully forever. As much as I would like to believe that...the Dr's have warned me that he will get another type of cancer later in life. It's not a matter of 'if' it is a matter of 'when'. So lets hope for age 95 and toe cancer (if there is such a thing, lol, who needs their toes at 95 anyway!!!!). Seriously though...he is doing well now. The docs have also warned that this last round takes the longest for the marrow to recover and he will get some sort of infection at some point because he will have absolutely no immune system for several weeks. He will have to stay inpatient the entire time. I am praying for a miracle. I know they exist because I gave birth to two! Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers! For all of my friends in wish I was there enjoying the sunshine with you. Soon. We will see you all soon. "

The update from my sister sounds pretty positive so far, which is a really good thing. I would hate to see him lose his gorgeous little smile. Poor baby!


Corinnea said...

Jennifer, I am keeping your nephew in my thoughts and prayers.

Jenny Bean said...

Thank you so much! I actually found out from my mother that he has gotten his last chemo round and now they are just in a wait and see pattern. God willing he will be all better and never have to deal with this or anything else like it again in his lifetime. I think he has had his share.